Wednesday, November 5, 2014

the most important thing in life.


It's been awhile.

I wanted to share something that's been on my heart lately.  My husband and I have been helping with the Inner City Ministry every Monday night for a little over a year now.  Some Mondays I dread driving to the community center where we teach class after a long, exhausting day at work, but, once I get there and speak with the children, my negativity disappears.  You see, I'm not sure if it has something to do with Christ's continual emphasis on calling the little children unto Him that overcomes me.  But, whatever it is, I feel encouraged and compelled to spread Christ's love to these children.

Last week, we taught a lesson on Christ's baptism by John the Baptist.  We stressed the importance of baptism and how it is essential for salvation, as there are several verses in the New Testament explaining this factor.  Towards the end of class, after the lesson, after the baptism skit, after the craft and activity book about baptism, we asked the kids what was the most important thing they must do in life.

We had several good answers..

-Get an education.
-Stay in school.
-Don't smoke.
-Obey your parents.

But, it saddened my heart that not one child mentioned being baptized or becoming a Christian.

As Christians, we have become immune to the fact that in order to get to Heaven, we must be baptized.  I hope and pray that our love for Christ and our teachings on this subject triggered something inside a child to make them aware, and to draw their curiosity in knowing more about Christ and obtaining eternal salvation.

It is the most important thing in life.  It is our purpose.  We must share this news with all nations.
Matthew 28:19