Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Opportunities

Am I crazy?!?!?
This is the question running through my mind at the moment. 
Last week, my boss presented me the opportinty to become a staff accountant, as long as I go back to school and work on having enough hours to sit for the CPA exam.  After much thought and prayer, I agreed to go back to school and I let her know this morning.  For some reason, I feel like it is the right thing to do.  I do recall saying many times that I would NEVER EVER go back to school, but alas, I must have jinxed myself. :) It is going to be hard to incorporate classes, homework, paying for school, etc. into my already busy life at the moment, but I KNOW I can do it.  JVZ has already told me he will support me 110% of the way, and will be more than happy to take over all chores, etc. We will see how that goes!! ;)
So, just when I thought I had my life planned out, this new opportunity comes along, and sets me on another path!  It will be interesting..