Sunday, December 4, 2011

J + B Cradle List

Oh, let me count the number of times we have been asked, "So, when are ya'll going to have kids??" or "You need to be popping them out soon!!" or "Don't put it off TOO long!!".... like A GAZILLION.  Not to mention, mom is literally foaming at the mouth in anticipation for the moment when we do have a baby.  Sunday school class consists of many parent's holding their little ones and big baby mama bellies. No pressure or anything, right? :)

Which bring me to the Cradle List.  The Cradle List (#BarneyStinson-HowIMetYourMother), is the name of a list created by none other, Barney.  He's one of our fav characters on our fav show How I Met Your Mother. It's legend.. wait for it.. DARY.  It's basically a list of things we would like/hope to accomplish prior to having our first baby.

So, here is what we have come up with so far....

(1) Run a half marathon
(2) Go on another fun trip (ex: cruise, Jamaica..)
(3) Trip to New York
(4) Pay off a good chunk of student loans
(5) Buy a house
