Wednesday, November 5, 2014

the most important thing in life.


It's been awhile.

I wanted to share something that's been on my heart lately.  My husband and I have been helping with the Inner City Ministry every Monday night for a little over a year now.  Some Mondays I dread driving to the community center where we teach class after a long, exhausting day at work, but, once I get there and speak with the children, my negativity disappears.  You see, I'm not sure if it has something to do with Christ's continual emphasis on calling the little children unto Him that overcomes me.  But, whatever it is, I feel encouraged and compelled to spread Christ's love to these children.

Last week, we taught a lesson on Christ's baptism by John the Baptist.  We stressed the importance of baptism and how it is essential for salvation, as there are several verses in the New Testament explaining this factor.  Towards the end of class, after the lesson, after the baptism skit, after the craft and activity book about baptism, we asked the kids what was the most important thing they must do in life.

We had several good answers..

-Get an education.
-Stay in school.
-Don't smoke.
-Obey your parents.

But, it saddened my heart that not one child mentioned being baptized or becoming a Christian.

As Christians, we have become immune to the fact that in order to get to Heaven, we must be baptized.  I hope and pray that our love for Christ and our teachings on this subject triggered something inside a child to make them aware, and to draw their curiosity in knowing more about Christ and obtaining eternal salvation.

It is the most important thing in life.  It is our purpose.  We must share this news with all nations.
Matthew 28:19

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Opportunities

Am I crazy?!?!?
This is the question running through my mind at the moment. 
Last week, my boss presented me the opportinty to become a staff accountant, as long as I go back to school and work on having enough hours to sit for the CPA exam.  After much thought and prayer, I agreed to go back to school and I let her know this morning.  For some reason, I feel like it is the right thing to do.  I do recall saying many times that I would NEVER EVER go back to school, but alas, I must have jinxed myself. :) It is going to be hard to incorporate classes, homework, paying for school, etc. into my already busy life at the moment, but I KNOW I can do it.  JVZ has already told me he will support me 110% of the way, and will be more than happy to take over all chores, etc. We will see how that goes!! ;)
So, just when I thought I had my life planned out, this new opportunity comes along, and sets me on another path!  It will be interesting..

Sunday, December 4, 2011

J + B Cradle List

Oh, let me count the number of times we have been asked, "So, when are ya'll going to have kids??" or "You need to be popping them out soon!!" or "Don't put it off TOO long!!".... like A GAZILLION.  Not to mention, mom is literally foaming at the mouth in anticipation for the moment when we do have a baby.  Sunday school class consists of many parent's holding their little ones and big baby mama bellies. No pressure or anything, right? :)

Which bring me to the Cradle List.  The Cradle List (#BarneyStinson-HowIMetYourMother), is the name of a list created by none other, Barney.  He's one of our fav characters on our fav show How I Met Your Mother. It's legend.. wait for it.. DARY.  It's basically a list of things we would like/hope to accomplish prior to having our first baby.

So, here is what we have come up with so far....

(1) Run a half marathon
(2) Go on another fun trip (ex: cruise, Jamaica..)
(3) Trip to New York
(4) Pay off a good chunk of student loans
(5) Buy a house


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Walgreens: FREE 8x10 Photo Collage

Now through Saturday you can get a FREE 8x10 photo collage at Walgreens! Go to their website:

When you have finished making your creation, enter the code 1FREEBIE at checkout, and if you pick up at the store it will be completely free!!

LOVE free things.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fathers Day ~ Gift Idea

If you have kiddos and need an idea for Father's Day, I saw this super cute crafted frame you can make! Check it out...


Earth Fare coupons for this week:

-Organic Cereal for $1 (exp 6/19)

-Organic Bananas for $0.25 lb (exp 6/19)

Gotta love cheap-ness. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Since all the cool kids are doing it, I decided to make my own blog as well! :)

Married life has been so wonderful and exciting. Everyday seems like a new little adventure. We've been traveling almost every weekend, so I basically just leave my suitcase unpacked, and replace it with new clothes. June 5th was our wedding anniversary. "Say whaa??" I can't believe this year has FLOWN by! But, it's been wonderful!!

We have a kitty, and her name is Allie. Spoiled? Why yes she is. She loves random items, such as....

sitting on plastic bags.
sitting in boxes.
shredding the unread Publix ads.
and waking me up at 4 each morning for breakfast, because like me, she LOVES to eat. ;)

Joe just finished his second year at Jones Law School. Hooray! He has one more year to go until he's finished. And I have been working to support the family at CRI as an administrative assistant. And that about sums it up for now! :)